Kongres Współpracy Transgranicznej Lublin

In 2023 Lublin became European Youth Capital, hence the slogan of the 12th edition of the Congress was the City of Youth.

Several hundred people from 14 countries: Belgium, Belarus, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Georgia, Indonesia, Moldova, Norway, Ukraine, Hungary, Great Britain participated in panels, workshops and study visits. Moreover, an international group of young people took part in a three-day workshop session “How to create youth-friendly cities? – We are shaping up the future”. The outcome of their work was summarized in the closing panel “Europe may be formed – youth cooperation and participation”, during which young people submitted their recommendations regarding significant, for them, issues and social problems.

During panels, workshops and study visits, we discussed youth civic engagement, local youth policies and the youth work, as well as the way the young generation was pushing the job market and business to change.

Obviously, we did not forget the challenges of the ongoing war in Ukraine, triggered by Russia’s unprecedented attack on the independent country, and its long-term effects, particularly acute for a generation of young people. In that context, we looked into the issue of youth migration and its role in intercultural integration and tackling discrimination.

Study visits in youth spaces, youth related venues and projects were in great demand among Congress participants. The Grants’ Fair was devoted to the presentation of grant competitions by Foundation for the Development of the Education System (FRSE), the International Visegrad Fund and the presentation of the Interreg NEXT Poland-Ukraine Program 2021-2027. Partners’ Forum showcased youth organisations and youth project opportunities.

The event was also accompanied by a cultural programme, including an exceptional concert of Haydamaky, a rock group from Ukraine.

The Congress was streamed online with simultaneous Polish, English and Ukrainian interpretation.

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