Kongres Współpracy Transgranicznej Lublin


Oct 11 2023


10:00 - 11:00

Equality policy in the integration of Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia with the European Union?

Irina Tkeshelashvili – Member of Team Europe, PhD Student at Institute of Political Sciences and Administration of University of Opole (Poland)
Daniela Sikora Bodrug – President, founder of the NGO “European Values Without Borders” (Moldova)
dr Marta Sydoruk – Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University (Ukraine)

Iwona Reichardt PhD – FemGlobal / New Eastern Europe (Poland)

A number of social and political factors on legislative, public administration practice and other entities adjustments are modified to the law and standards of the European Union. With experts from Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia, we want to examine this process from a Gender Equality Policy perspective. The speakers will share their own experiences – how this process continues, what role NGOs play in it, how to tailor public policies to make integration procedures in favour of equality solutions?
The participation of speakers from these three countries will allow for the exchange of knowledge and experiences between them. It may be productive en route integration with the EU and ensuring equal rights to citizens of the candidate countries.

Simultaneous translation into PL-EN-UA;
live broadcast on a streaming platform

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